Readings for Saint James the Apostle (focus text in bold):
Deuteronomy 15:1-2, 7-10 - provisions for the Sabbatical Year Psalm 15 - "Lord, who may dwell in thy tabernacle?" Acts 11:27-12:3a - a persecution breaks out, and the Apostle James is killed Matthew 20:20-28 - a lesson in servant leadership Deuteronomy Summer Series, Part 8 Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: “Saint James the Greater” by Guido Reni, c. 1636-1638, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
Readings for Trinity Sunday:
Isaiah 6:1-8 - Isaiah's vision of the heavenly Throne Room Psalm 8 - "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" Revelation 4:1-11 - John's vision of the heavenly Throne Room John 3:1-15 - Jesus explains rebirth by the Spirit to Nicodemus Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: Icon of the Trinity, from Genesis 18:1-8 (“The Hospitality of Abraham”) by Andrei Rublev, 1411 or 1425-27, tempera on wood; Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow ![]()
Readings for Whitsunday or Pentecost (focus text in bold):
Numbers 11:24-30 - Moses wishes that the Spirit could fall on all Israel Psalm 104:24-35 - the Spirit of God sustains all things Acts 2:1-11 - the Holy Spirit falls on the disciples at Pentecost John 14:15-31a - the Spirit reminds the disciples of everything Jesus told them Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: “Pentecost Sermon” by Gebhard Fugel, c. 1920, oil on canvas, Gallerie Fähre in the Old Monastery, Bad Saulgau, Germany ![]()
Readings for the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 52:7-10 - how beautiful are the feet of him that brings good news Psalm 119:9-16 - "My delight shall be in thy statutes" Ephesians 4:7-16 - after Christ ascended, he gave gifts to build up the body John 15:1-11 - Jesus is the true vine in which all must abide Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: “Mark the Evangelist,” miniature from the “Grandes Heures” (book of hours) of Anne of Brittany, queen consort of France, by Jean Bourdichon, 1503-1508, illuminated manuscript, Bibliothéque Nationale de France ![]()
Readings for Easter Day:
Exodus 12:21-28 - the institution of the Passover Psalm 111 - "I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart" Colossians 3:1-4 - set your mind on things above, where Christ is John 20:1-10 - the women find the tomb empty, and tell the disciples Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: le Saintes Femmes au Tombeau (“The Holy Women at the Tomb”) by William Adolphe Bouguereau, 1890, oil on canvas, private collection ![]()
The Great Vigil of Easter:
Easter Vigil
Sermon by the Rev. Timothy Taylor Cover art: Detail from “The Resurrection of Christ” by Peter Paul Rubens, 1611, oil on board, Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp, Belgium ![]()
Readings for Good Friday (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 - he was wounded for our transgressions Psalm 22:1-22 - the psalm of the passion: my God, why have you forsaken me? Hebrews 10:1-25 - Christ's sacrifice takes away sins entirely and forever John 19:1-37 - the Passion of our Lord according to St. John Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: “Ecce Homo” (Latin for “Behold the man,” John 19:5) by Antonio Ciseri, oil on canvas, 1871, Gallery of Modern Art, Florence, Italy ![]()
Readings for Maundy Thursday (focus text in bold):
Exodus 12:1-11 - the institution of the Passover Psalm 43 - "I will go unto the altar of God, even unto the God of my joy and gladness" 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 - Paul rehearses the institution of the Lord's Supper John 13:1-17 - Jesus washes his disciples' feet Sermon by the Rev. Timothy Taylor Cover art: “The Last Supper” by Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret by 1896, oil on canvas, private collection ![]()
Readings for Palm Sunday (focus text in bold):
Liturgy of the Palms
Sermon by the Rev. Adam Rick Cover art: Coptic icon of the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem ![]()
Readings for the Feast of the Annunciation (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 7:10-25 - God will give a sign: a virgin will give birth Psalm 113 - the Lord lifts up the simple out of the dust Rom. 5:12-19 - as sin came to the world through a man, so life comes through a man Luke 1:26-38 - the story of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary Sermon by the Rev. Timothy Taylor Cover art: “The Annunciation” by El Greco, c.1590-1603, oil on canvas, Ohara Museum, Kurashiki, Japan |
February 2025