Christmas 1 (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 62:1-5, 10-12 - God to rejoice over Jerusalem as a bridegroom his bride Psalm 45:1-7 - a marriage song for Israel's Messiah Galatians 4:1-7 - born under the law, that we might receive adoption as sons Matthew 1:18-25 - the annunciation to Joseph Cover art: “St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus” by Reni Guido, 1620, oil on canvas, The Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Christmas Day:
Isaiah 52:7-12 - How beautiful are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings Pslam 98 - Cantate Domino Hebrews 1:1-12 - God hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son John 1:1-14 - The Word was God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us Guest Preacher: The Rt. Rev. John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury (1559-1571) An excerpted reading of "A Homily Concerning the Nativity and Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ" from the Second Book of Homilies, published in 1571 Cover art: "The Heavenly and Earthly Trinities," by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1675-1682, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London ![]()
Christmas Eve (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 9:1-7 - For unto us a child is born, and his name shall be called Wonderful Psalm 96 - O sing unto the Lord a new song Titus 2:11-15 - he gave himself for us, to redeem us and to purify us Luke 2:1-14 - the birth of Jesus and the annunciation to the shepherds Cover art: “Adoration of the Shepherds” by Gerard van Honthorst, 1622, oil on canvas, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne, German ![]()
Advent 4 (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 40:1-11 - A voice cries in the wilderness Psalm 145:10-21 - The Lord upholdeth all such as fall Philippians 4:4-7 - Be anxious for nothing, by in everything pray with thanks John 1:19-28 - John tells the Pharisees one greater than him is coming Cover art: "St. John the Baptist Preaching" by Mattia Preti, c. 1665, oil on canvas, Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco ![]()
Advent 3 (focus text in bold):
Isaiah 35 - the wilderness will bloom like an oasis Psalm 80:1-7 - God leads Israel like a flock 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 - "with me it is a small thing to be judged by you" Matthew 11:2-10 - John the Baptists' disciples ask Jesus if he's the Messiah Cover art: "Prophet Isaiah" by Antonio Balestra, 18th century, oil on canvas, Castelvecchio, Verona, Italy ![]()
Advent 2 (focus text in bold): 2 Kings 22:8, 10-13, 23:1-3 - Book of the Law found in the Temple under Josiah Psalm 50:1-6 - Gather my saints together unto me Romans 15:4-13 - All Scripture written for our learning Luke 21:25-22 - the sign of the fig tree Akiane Kramarik's 2003 portrait of Jesus entitled "Prince of Peace" Cover art: “Christ said to his disciples” by the Master of the Reichenau School, c. 1010, illuminated parchment from The Pericopes of Henry II, Bavarian State Library, Munich ![]()
Advent 1 readings (focus text in bold):
Micah 4:1-7 - they will beat the swords into plowshares Psalm 25:1-9 - All they that hope in the Lord shall not be ashamed Romans 13:8-14 - Owe no man anything but to love one another Matthew 21:1-13 - Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph, and cleanses the Temple Cover art: “Le cortège dans les rues de Jérusalem” (French: “The Procession in the Streets of Jeerusalem”), by James Tissot, 1886-1894, opaque watercolor on grave wove paper, Brooklyn Museum, New York. |
February 2025