Browse though the links provided here to learn more about the Bible, Christian Living, The Church and other areas of learning and spiritual growth. We hope you find these online resources beneficial.
Bible Gateway - the best online resource for the Bible
The Anglican Church in North America - our national church, or "province"
Anglican Diocese of the Living Word - our diocese
GAFCON's Jerusalem Declaration - the basis for our global Anglican fellowship
Being Faithful - A commentary on the Jerusalem Declaration by the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans
1928 Book of Common Prayer - the traditional language Prayer Book we use at Holy Trinity
2019 Book of Common Prayer - the contemporary language liturgies of our national church
How the ACNA's Collects of the Year compare with Classical Books of Common Prayer - prepared by Fr. Adam
How to Pray the Daily Office - a three-part teaching series taught by Fr. Adam at Christ Church Anglican (Wayne, PA)
The ACNA's To Be A Christian - our province's new catechism
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund - the official relief and development arm of the ACNA
The Barnabas Fund - a ministry of our bishop's to the persecuted church
Leadership Transformations, Inc. - a great resource for spiritual formation
The Book of Common Prayer - all the classical Prayer Books in full online
Lectionary Central - the traditional Prayer Book lectionary with extensive notes
Anglicans Online - a web portal for all things Anglican
Project Canterbury - primary sources in Anglican history
The Church Fathers in translation - primary sources from the ancient church
Adult Christian Education: Download the syllabus for the next series of lessons in our ongoing Anglicanism series, held between services from 9:30-10:15 Sunday mornings.
Anglicanism 101: Download the syllabus for Adult Confirmation class, held fall 2024. Contact [email protected] for more information or to sign up to participate.
Anglican Great Books Book Club: View/download the flier for Anglican Great Books, including details regarding upcoming meetings and future study.
Licensure at Holy Trinity: View the agenda for our Spring Training and Licensure Day for Lay Readers, Altar Servers, and Acolytes.
View the flier for the Lee Gatiss lecture at Hillsdale College in November.