Creeds 8: Last ThingsIn our final installment of this series on the Creeds, we look at the last two clauses of the Creed which, together with the clause about Christ's return in glory to judge the living and the dead earlier, constitute the basic Christian teaching concerning the end of the age. We explore how the "end times" or "last things" (from the Greek ta eschata, hence "eschatology") have already begun with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and how the Christian hope is to share in his resurrection glory, and the finality of his unadulterated reign on earth. Eschatology: the study of the end times
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Creeds 7: Redemption AppliedIn lesson 3 we learned about the objective work of Christ once and for all completed on the cross. In this lesson, we learn how that objective work is subjectively applied to us, individual believers. In particular, we will look at the role of faith (and where the Protestant Reformers got the idea of by grace alone through faith alone), and the instrumentality of the two Dominical Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Soteriology: the study of salvation
Click this link to purchase your own copy of Thomas Oden's "Classic Christianity," your Rector's recommended reference resource for Christian doctrine. Click below for the audio recording ![]()
Below is an audio recording of last Sunday's Annual Meeting of the parish, and a PDF copy of the printed Annual Report.
Creeds 6: People of GodIn this lesson we explore the meaning of the so-called "four marks of the church" contained in the Nicene Creed: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. Before we defined those words, however, we first explored the meaning of the most important word in this section of the creed: "church." What is it? Where does it come from? And how does the church relate to the Old Covenant people of God? Ecclesiology: the study of the church
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This chart shows the distribution of the world's religions across the world's major regions. It shows the uniquely global appeal of Christianity, a vivid illustration of the church's "catholicity."
Fr. Adam RickA prayerbook Christian with a patristic twist. Archives
September 2021